Heart Attack: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Heart Attack

Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Heart Attack

A heart attack is the death of a segment of heart muscle caused by a loss of blood supply. The blood is usually cut off when an artery supplying the heart muscle is blocked by a blood clot. Heart attack is directly responsible for about 10% of all deaths in Nigeria every year. This represents half of all deaths due to coronary artery disease. Although having a heart attack is very serious, the chances of survival are greatly increased if you are able to get to a hospital right away.


Heart attacks are caused by the blood supply to the heart being suddenly interrupted. Without this supply, heart muscles may be damaged and begin to die. Without treatment, the heart muscles will experience irreversible damage. If a large portion of the heart is damaged in this way, the heart stops beating (known as a cardiac arrest), resulting in death. Other causes includes;

Age - when a man is over 45, and when a woman is over 55.
Angina - causes chest pain due to lack of oxygen or blood supply to the heart.
High cholesterol levels - increase the chance of blood clots in the arteries.
Diabetes - increases heart attack risk.
Diet - for example, consuming large quantities of saturated fats.
Genetics - you can inherit a higher risk of heart attack.
Obesity - or being significantly overweight.
Smoking - smokers are at much higher risk than non-smokers.
Work stress - those who are shift workers or have stressful jobs.


Most heart attack victims feel some symptoms in the days leading up to the attack. The most common symptom is angina (chest pain). Chest pain results when the heart muscle is not getting enough oxygen, a condition called ischemia. Angina is likely to get worse or more frequent as the heart attack approaches. Other possible symptoms are extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. Heart attack symptoms are usually much more severe and longer-lasting (more than 20 minutes) than angina. Heart attack symptoms are relieved only slightly or temporarily by rest or medications used to relieve angina.

Many people report feeling a sense of warning as a heart attack approaches. There can be tightness, pressure, pain, and a "squeezing" feeling in the chest. The pain may also be felt in the back, jaw, shoulder, or arm (especially the left arm).

The following are other possible signs and symptoms of a heart attack occurring:

  • coughing
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • crushing chest pain
  • dizziness
  • shortness of breath called dyspnea
  • face seeming gray in color
  • a feeling of terror that life is ending
  • feeling awful, generally
  • restlessness
  • feeling clammy and sweaty
  • shortness of breath


The first step in heart attack prevention is identifying and reducing risk factors such as smoking, obesity, high cholesterol, and high-fat diets.
Talk to your doctor about personal risk factors and how to make lifestyle changes to reduce the chances of a heart attack, such as:
  • quitting smoking
  • staying physically active and incorporating regular exercise into a daily routine - exercise will help with weight reduction and will lower cholesterol
  • watching your diet - you may need to consult a nutritionist for advice about healthy foods that can help to lower cholesterol
Sometimes, a person who is having a heart attack will stop breathing. In this case, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, should be started immediately. This process involves:
  • manual chest compressions
  • a defibrillator
The early treatment of a heart attack aims to restore blood flow and preserve heart muscle. After a heart attack occurs, you need rehabilitation or post-MI care for the heart to heal and to prevent future attacks. Cardiac rehabilitation programs can usually be planned for in hospital and, depending on the severity of the heart attack, may continue for weeks or months once you return home. Post-MI management includes medication, lifestyle changes, and psychological care.

Heart Attack: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Heart Attack Heart Attack: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment For Heart Attack Reviewed by Unknown on November 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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